Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Neverending Nightmare
Posted by Scarymoviegirl5
Date Posted: 07/07/2012

Taylor decided to go on a short walk through the woods behind her house. They weren't that deep and besides, it was a nice day. So Taylor put on her jacket and started walking into the woods. But as she was walking she heard something that sounded like crying.

"Hello? Is somebody out there? Are you hurt?" Taylor called out. But she got no response. So she tried again. "Hello? look, you can come out, I promise, I wont hurt you." The crying didn't stop, it just got louder, and Taylor began to feel afraid, as many times as she had walked through these woods, she had never heard any crying before.

Maybe I'm hearing things, Taylor thought. Eventually, the crying stopped and Taylor relaxed a little. She kept walking, but she didn't remember these woods being so deep, and the further she went, the darker they got. She didn't recognize this part of the woods. And it shouldn't be this dark at 1:45 in the afternoon.

Taylor decided to turn back around and go home, but when she did, nothing was the same. The trees seemed more gnarled and scary than before. Their leaves were all dead, and the woods themselves seemed more menacing. Taylor was completely terrified, she tried her cell phone but it had no service. And now, the crying had started back up, louder and closer than ever before. Taylor began to run, but even as she neared home, the woods got deeper and darker. This time, she tried screaming, surely someone would hear her. Taylor waited for 20 minutes but no one came for her.

She finally saw a light at the end of the woods. She ran towards it, only to find a graveyard with candles light everywhere. She finally realized why she couldn't find her way out of the woods, on a marble headstone read; Taylor Martin June 11, 1993- October 21, 2013.

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